Enshrining Impunity: A decade of international engagement in Libya

This report provides concrete recommendations to third states, as well as relevant international institutions and mechanisms, for constructive engagement in Libya.

February 17, 2022

On the 11th anniversary of the Libyan uprising, the country’s future is at its most precarious. Delayed elections, fragmented governance, and reports of crimes against humanity are threatening prospects for peace and democracy in Libya.

What role have international actors played in this story? What impact has international engagement and unilateralism had on the lives of the Libyan people and their desires for justice and peace?

Driven by a complex mix of geopolitical, security and economic interests, at least ten foreign states have been involved in the conflicts that have ravaged Libya since 2011, projecting their global and regional rivalries into Libyan dynamics.

In collaboration with Saferworld, our new report reflects on how international actors have exacerbated the human cost of Libya’s conflicts and calls on the international community to refocus their efforts to a human right-based approach that puts the Libyan people first. It provides concrete recommendations to third states, as well as relevant international institutions and mechanisms, for constructive engagement in Libya.

Read 'Enshrining Impunity' here.

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